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Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED]

Shadow Bow[4 Sockets & 15 ED] [Runewords(Bases)]

Sale [4 Sockets ]
Sale [+15 EDmg]

Shadow Bow [Runewords(Bases)]

Ichorsting 2H damage: 15-59
Base speed: [0]
Class speed: Ama, Asn, B, D, P, S - Fast
N - Normal
Req Strength: 52
Req Dexterity: 188
Req level: 47
Quality level: 63
Max sockets: 5
Shadow Bow
[4S & 15 ED]


Price 6.84 USD

What is Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] in Diablo 2 Resurrected & Is It Good?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, a Shadow Bow with the affix "4S & 15 ED" is a rare and valuable item that provides two different bonuses:

"4S" stands for "Socketed (4)", which means the bow has four sockets that can be used to enhance its properties with gems, runes, or jewels.

"15 ED" stands for "Enhanced Damage", which means the bow will deal 15% more physical damage. This bonus applies to all attacks made with the bow.

In other words, a Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] is a powerful weapon that can be further enhanced with additional gems, runes, or jewels. It is used primarily by ranged-focused character builds, such as Amazons or Bowazon Assassins, to deal physical damage from a distance.

The combination of four sockets and enhanced damage affix makes this item highly desirable and valuable to players. The four sockets allow for a wide variety of customization options, including adding additional damage, elemental damage, life or mana steal, or other helpful attributes.

Overall, a Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix is a great weapon for ranged-focused character builds. The enhanced damage affix makes it a powerful weapon, while the four sockets provide ample opportunity for customization and enhancement. If you have one, it can be a great addition to your gear setup and can greatly enhance your character's effectiveness in combat.

Best Characters or Builds for Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] in D2R

The Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix is a great weapon for ranged-focused character builds that deal physical damage. Here are some examples of character builds that can benefit from this weapon in Diablo 2 Resurrected:

Amazon: The Amazon is a ranged-focused character that can specialize in the use of bows. By using a Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix, you can increase your physical damage output and take advantage of the bow's four sockets to further enhance your character's abilities.

Bowazon Assassin: The Bowazon Assassin is a hybrid character build that combines the ranged combat of an Amazon with the martial arts skills of an Assassin. By using a Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix, you can increase your physical damage output and take advantage of the bow's four sockets to further enhance your character's abilities.

Hunter Druid: The Hunter Druid is a character build that focuses on ranged combat using bows or javelins. By using a Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix, you can increase your physical damage output and take advantage of the bow's four sockets to further enhance your character's abilities.

Poison Necromancer: The Poison Necromancer is a character build that focuses on dealing poison damage with spells and ranged attacks. By using a Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix, you can increase your physical damage output and take advantage of the bow's four sockets to further enhance your character's abilities.

Overall, the Shadow Bow with the "4S & 15 ED" affix is a great weapon for any character that relies on ranged combat and physical damage output.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] are ranged from 6.84USD to 15.1USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Shadow Bow[4S & 15 ED] is priced at 15.1USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 15.1USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 99 D2R items in this Runewords(Bases), welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

Shadow Bow[4S & 13-14 ED]
4.74 USD
3.42 USD
Participants: 5


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